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Showing posts with the label Fractal Glitter Lip Color

about - face Fractal Glitter Lip Color

  About – Face's Fractal Glitter Lip Color is a Shimmering Liquid Lipstick you will enjoy using this season. It is a supple, long-lasting, shimmering lip color that makes your lips center stage throughout the day. It has a light reflective sparkle that really shows in the sunlight. I’ve recently used glitter lipstick, but it was more like a gel base that sparkled and changed colors after applying it. There are many glitter lipsticks out there, however they lack color, and it looks more like lip gloss and not lipstick. With understanding what liquid lipstick is...About - Face settles the score and proves there such a thing as glitter color that lasts a long while. If a person walks up to you and says your lips sparkle with divine color, it makes it true. This liquid lipstick is waterproof resistant and transfer resistant. You can find this product online and through amazon and About – Face. Unfortunately, that’s it even though Ulta has some of their products available. They still ...