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Showing posts with the label super model

How to Be a Model

  There are several ways to be a model, but please know if you have to spend your money on fake agencies...Please stay away from them. The modeling agency gains funds from your bookings with fashion shows and print campaigns. I remember finding an agency that did not gain a percentage of funds from bookings- they made models pay them every month. If they ask for money, it's for acting and modeling classes you won't need.  For example, you can personally find these coaches on your own. Take time building your portfolio and show it to a real busy modeling agency. There are professional photographers who can handle your portfolio ideas. Take some print classes before you send your copies to your agency of choice. Sadly, the phrase super model doesn't really exist today.  In the 90's,  teenagers wanted to be a model more than anything in the world.  Super models were idolized and they were known by name.  Today, people can only name four or five models however ...