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Showing posts with the label Kathy Hilton

Netflix Cooking With Paris Review - Can Paris Hilton Cook?

                                 courtesy of Netflix                                        The first episode of Netflix Cooking with Paris, she's wearing a very pink gown in high heels while adding several boxes of kids cereal to her grocery list. What's interesting is her frosted flakes French toast! Paris tops them with Lucky Charms…First she makes blue marshmallow treats.   Food coloring turns the melted marshmallows light blue.   The next day Paris’ special friend, Kim Kardashian, comes over to help cook.   They use cookie cutters to shape the marshmallow treat.   The conversation between them is the fun times they had with stickers and how much fun cooking is.   While cutting through the marshmallow treat…Things get a little messy.   It’s sticky, however Paris uses the...